Between Us (Goinmul) Manhwa is a captivating story that revolves around the complicated relationships of a group of friends. The main characters are a guy who constantly cheats on his girlfriend and a girl who easily agrees to date anyone who asks her out. The story delves into the reasons behind their behavior and the consequences it has on their lives. As the plot unfolds, the readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, witnessing the ups and downs of these characters’ lives. The manhwa explores themes of love, trust, and the complexities of adult relationships. It delves into the consequences of infidelity and the impact it has on the individuals involved. With stunning illustrations by Goinmul, the art perfectly captures the emotions and expressions of the characters, enhancing the overall reading experience. The story is filled with drama, romance, and mature themes, making it a must-read for fans of adult-oriented manhwa. Between Us (Goinmul) Manhwa is a completed series that was released in 2020. It is written by Sung Paldo and has gained popularity among fans of the genre. If you’re looking for a compelling story that explores the intricacies of adult relationships, this manhwa is a perfect choice.