Inside the Cave of Obscenity is an ongoing manhwa (also known as manga) written by Umetane and illustrated by Abi. The story takes place in a world where the Demon King has been defeated by a Hero from another world, leading to a peaceful existence for humans who have forgotten their fear of monsters. However, deep within a forgotten cave in the mountains, a new monster known as the “Black Ooze” is born. This seemingly ordinary slime possesses a unique ability to absorb the abilities of the creatures it consumes. As it devours insects and animals, it grows stronger and gains knowledge and desires. Eventually, it sets its sights on a female mage who ventures into the cave. Unbeknownst to the world, a dangerous monster has been unleashed. Inside the Cave of Obscenity combines adult, adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, and seinen genres. Please note that the term “manhwa hentai” is not applicable to this manhwa.