“Learning to Love You” is a captivating manhwa that follows the story of Choi Yeo-eun, a 32-year-old teacher who used to believe that sex was unnecessary. However, her perspective changes after a mind-blowing experience during a drunken one-night stand. Waking up the next morning, Yeo-eun is mortified as she realizes she doesn’t remember anything about the night, including the identity of her partner. To her surprise, it turns out to be Doh Jeong-yeon, a tall, handsome man who also happens to be her boss’s son and a former student at her school. As Yeo-eun grapples with her growing desire for Jeong-yeon and the ethical implications of their relationship, she embarks on a journey to understand and embrace her newfound sexual awakening. With its intriguing storyline and complex characters, this manhwa explores themes of love, desire, and personal growth in a compelling and thought-provoking manner.