Princess Twinkle Manhwa, also known as “N/A”, is a completed manhwa released in 2015. The story revolves around Shin Yoon, who has always lived as the eldest son of the Lim family, alongside his four unique sisters. However, he soon discovers that he is actually Nam Chae-gwan, a mysterious chaebol and the best friend of his parents. Nam Chae-gwan has been living a life of luxury and fortune under the name “Shin Yoon”. This shocking revelation leads to an absurd proposal from Nam Chae-gwan, causing confusion in Shin Yoon’s relationship with his sisters. Princess Twinkle Manhwa explores the complexities of family dynamics, romance, and the secrets that can unravel lives. With its adult themes and enticing illustrations, this manhwa is sure to captivate fans of the ecchi and hentai genres.