“Renge to Naruto!” is a captivating manhwa that follows the story of Renge, a young girl who finds herself transported into the world of her favorite anime, Naruto. As she navigates this new reality, Renge must learn to adapt and survive alongside her beloved characters. With stunning artwork and a thrilling plot, this manhwa offers a fresh and exciting twist on the Naruto universe, sure to captivate fans and newcomers alike. On the other hand, “: (It’s been a few months since the neighborhood Chinese restaurant closed down, and when I stopped by for the first time in a while, I found that it had been transformed into a flashy, mysterious restaurant with its old signboard still intact. When I went inside, there was a gal there… This is a story about a Chinatown restaurant where gals are hospitable.)” takes readers on a delightful journey through a transformed Chinese restaurant. Filled with mystery and charm, this manhwa introduces us to a gal who brings a unique and hospitable atmosphere to the eatery. With its intriguing premise and vibrant illustrations, this manhwa promises an enchanting and heartwarming tale set in the bustling world of Chinatown.