“The Warrior Dissatisfied With Everyone” is a captivating manhwa that follows the story of a disillusioned warrior named Kang Han Soo. After defeating the demon lord, he finds himself abandoned and betrayed by those he once trusted. Fueled by a wish from the goddess, Kang Han Soo is granted the opportunity to travel back in time and seek revenge on those who wronged him. With a burning desire for justice, he sets out to make his enemies pay for their actions. This manhwa combines elements of fantasy, action, and revenge, making it a thrilling and addictive read for fans of the genre.
In “: (I defeated the demon lord, but I was left deserted, betrayed… and a wish from the goddess. “My wish is to go back to the past and make those bitches pay for what they’ve done to me.”)”, readers are introduced to a gripping tale of vengeance and redemption. The protagonist, who triumphs over the demon lord, is left feeling abandoned and betrayed by those he once considered allies. However, a wish from the goddess grants him the chance to turn back time and exact revenge on those who have wronged him. With a burning desire for justice, he embarks on a quest to make his enemies pay for their treachery. This manhwa offers a unique blend of fantasy, action, and a compelling storyline that will leave readers eagerly turning the pages.