“Watashi no Pharaoh-sama!” is an exciting and captivating manhwa series that takes readers on a thrilling journey through ancient Egypt. The story follows a high school girl named Yuri, who mysteriously finds herself transported back in time and becomes the pharaoh’s wife. As she navigates the complex world of politics and power, Yuri must use her modern knowledge to survive and protect her loved ones. With its intriguing storyline, well-developed characters, and a perfect blend of romance, drama, and historical elements, this manhwa series is a must-read for fans of time-travel and historical fiction. Get ready to be enthralled by the fascinating world of “Watashi no Pharaoh-sama!” and its various spin-offs, including “Motto Watashi no Pharaoh-sama!” and “Masaka Watashi no Pharaoh-sama!?”