“Leveling Up with the Gods” is an action-packed manhwa that takes readers on a thrilling journey into a world torn apart by powerful beings known as the Outer Gods. These otherworldly creatures possess such immense power that normal people lose their lives just by looking at them. After years of relentless fighting, the survivors realize that an Inner, a human with god-like abilities, cannot defeat an Outer. In a desperate move, Chronos, a divine being capable of manipulating time, sacrifices himself to turn back the Clock Movement. Now, the chosen one, Kim YuWon, the last human to climb the Tower and the only one who fought alongside the gods until the end, must gather his comrades and lead the fight against the Outer Gods to victory. With determination and unwavering spirit, Kim YuWon sets out to prove that even against insurmountable odds, he will emerge triumphant. Dive into this captivating manhwa and join Kim YuWon on his quest to save the world from despair and darkness.