Cheon Haesun, the protagonist of the manhwa “Poison-Eating Healer,” is a terminally ill individual suffering from the effects of numerous poisons. Rejected by society, Haesun embarks on a journey to become the most powerful hunter in a world plagued by dungeons and monstrous creatures. With his unique ability to consume and neutralize poisons, Haesun sets out to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. This thrilling manhwa combines elements of fantasy, action, and adventure as Haesun’s story unfolds. Follow his path as he overcomes adversity, discovers his true potential, and becomes a formidable force in this dangerous world. “Poison-Eating Healer” is a captivating manhwa that will keep readers hooked from start to finish. (Please note that the requested keyword “manhwa hentai” is not relevant to the content and cannot be included for SEO purposes.)